Software – FinishLynx ReacTime Training Software
The ReacTime Personal Training software allows users to view, graph, analyze, and print reaction data recorded with the ReacTime Training system. The software gives athletes and coaches access to precision reaction data, allowing them to measure and improve performance off the blocks. With the software installed on a computer or netbook, users can download all reaction data from the block sensors and graph reaction times, power output waveforms, and time-to-distance ratios for each start.
Research has shown that reaction times play a crucial role in the success of sprinters. The shorter the race, the more important an athlete’s reaction time becomes, because it “accounts for a greater proportion of the total time of the run.” Studies also show that reaction time is a skill that can be improved with training.
The ReacTime Training software allows athletes and coaches to view reaction times across countless different workouts. This allows them to not only isolate on start mechanics, but also graph, track, and share athlete improvements over time.
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Our professional staff are available to discuss your timing solution requirements.