Software – FinishLynx Remote Control Plug-In
The Remote Control plug-in for FinishLynx allows users to remotely control the FinishLynx software interface by sending commands through a serial port or TCP socket connection. This plug-in allows the FinishLynx Software to be used as a slave to—or in conjunction with—another software program.
The FinishLynx Remote Control plug-in (included with FinishLynx v.10.11) will allow you to remotely control several FinishLynx functions by issuing commands from an outside application. The plug-in allows users remotely control the following software functions:
- Printing results
- Printing images
- Exporting images
The Remote Control plug-in can also be used in conjunction with the Network Com Port (NCP) plug-in to send commands between FinishLynx and any serial or Ethernet devices also connected to the network. This allows users to send commands via Telnet to a user-specified TCP port that is configured in the FinishLynx software.
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